• 7-year background in non-profit activities.
• I am passionate about achieving a challenging position that will allow me to make meaningful contributions to any endeavor undertaken
• Persistent and driven
• I have good organizational, interpersonal and communication skills.
• I am an active learner with a strong attitude in education.
• Have been to 30 countries Education
Master of Law (2015)
National University "Odessa Academy of Law"
Bachelor of Law (2014)
National University "Odessa Academy of Law"
• English for International Business Communication (EIBC) 2017-2018 - Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education, The University of Queensland, Australia
• English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 2017 - Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education, The University of Queensland, Australia
• Program in International Studies 2017- Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
Work Experience
Founder / Business Manager | 2015-2017
Zahynayko LTD, Brisbane, Australia
Established and operated a company providing management, translation and advisory services to international tourists and business people.
Lecturer/Teacher | 2019
Hisense International Co. LTD, Qingdao, China
Held a Public Speaking & Presentation Skills training course for the management staff helping them to build their confidence and establish rapport with the audience – all while practicing and delivering presentations with personalized feedback.
Educator focusing on Business English and Intercultural Communication training 2018-Present
Providing relevant training for business executives using the skills that I had gained throughout the time of both studying and working in the USA and Australia.
Founder / Business Manager | August,2019-Present
Shanghai Fedir Business Consulting LTD
Established and currently operating a company. Responsible for procurement and securing trading contracts, sustainable and productive relationships with existing clients, contract negotiations and business development.
20年全球500强领导力与人才发展实战经验 英国林肯大学MBA AMA美国管理协会-领导力项目认证讲师 DDI智睿-领导力项目认证讲师 情境领导®-课程等多项课程认证讲师 曾任:益海嘉里金龙鱼(上市品牌价值百强) | 集团培训负责人 曾任:信达生物医药(中国500强)| 企业大学领导力学院负责人 曾任:爱德士缅因生物制品(世界500强)| 亚洲区培训与学习发展负责人 曾任:思源电气(中国500强)| 培训负责人
李老师是一位资深的数字化和人工智能专家,在大数据、AI、数据中台、用户画像、BI等领域有深厚造诣。他不仅精通传统的数字化工具,还在人工智能的前沿领域有丰富的实践经验。 ChatGPT培训国内第一人
AI办公应用实战专家 15年+ 培训实践经验 擅长:AI & BI 及Office工具在企业职场中的应用 中国商业会计学会财务数据分析师CFDA专家组成员 曾任:北广基业(天津)有限责任公司丨经理 曾任:某财务咨询服务机构丨总裁助理 曾任:中财讯(江西)智能科技股份有限公司 | 副总经理 →著作:《Excel2003-2010数据透视表从入门到精通》
资深实战销售训练专家、原宏基销售总监 具有25年的实战与培训经验。