• 7-year background in non-profit activities.
• I am passionate about achieving a challenging position that will allow me to make meaningful contributions to any endeavor undertaken
• Persistent and driven
• I have good organizational, interpersonal and communication skills.
• I am an active learner with a strong attitude in education.
• Have been to 30 countries Education
Master of Law (2015)
National University "Odessa Academy of Law"
Bachelor of Law (2014)
National University "Odessa Academy of Law"
• English for International Business Communication (EIBC) 2017-2018 - Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education, The University of Queensland, Australia
• English for Academic Purposes (EAP) 2017 - Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education, The University of Queensland, Australia
• Program in International Studies 2017- Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA
Work Experience
Founder / Business Manager | 2015-2017
Zahynayko LTD, Brisbane, Australia
Established and operated a company providing management, translation and advisory services to international tourists and business people.
Lecturer/Teacher | 2019
Hisense International Co. LTD, Qingdao, China
Held a Public Speaking & Presentation Skills training course for the management staff helping them to build their confidence and establish rapport with the audience – all while practicing and delivering presentations with personalized feedback.
Educator focusing on Business English and Intercultural Communication training 2018-Present
Providing relevant training for business executives using the skills that I had gained throughout the time of both studying and working in the USA and Australia.
Founder / Business Manager | August,2019-Present
Shanghai Fedir Business Consulting LTD
Established and currently operating a company. Responsible for procurement and securing trading contracts, sustainable and productive relationships with existing clients, contract negotiations and business development.
驭势科技云平台研发总监,全民数字素养与技能培训基地特聘高级专家 本硕毕业于复旦大学,曾就职于英特尔亚太研发有限公司,担任高级研发经理和架构师 KubeSphere Ambassador,CNCF OpenFunction TOC Member GenAI 专注领域:LangChain, RAG, Agent, Prompt & Flow Engineering 云原生专注领域:Kubernetes, DevOps, FaaS, Observability
现任:建总行 数据中心 数据创新部总监 曾任:建信金融科技有限责任公司 大数据中心总监、首席大数据科学家 曾任:京东数科数据资产部总监,大数据科学家; 曾任:京东大学人工智能课程首席讲师 清华大学五道口金融学院博士后 亚太人工智能学会(AAIA)大数据专家 清华能源互联网研究院特邀大数据专家 雄安新区建设发展研究中心教授 郑州大学地球科学与技术学院客座教授 第三届“数据标准化及治理优秀评选”决赛评委