1995年毕业于复旦大学,近 30 年 C/C++系统级软件开发和架构经验。专注于 C/C++ 语言(包括 C++98/C++11/14/17/20)、软件架构、性能优化、设计模式和代码重用。对于精炼、易于维护的代码和架构有着不懈的追求,对开源平台(GNU/Linux)有深入的理解。长期担任资深技术教练,涉及 C++、软件架构、安全软件开发、开源软件等多方面。目前担任华为资深技术教练。
历届C++大会发布了精彩的演讲,曾参与翻译《编程大师访谈录》 ,并且在国内外的技术专栏有大量文章发布如下:
Time zones in Python (2019-09-01)
阅读的权利 (a Chinese translation of The Right to Read) (2019-04-01)
My opinions regarding the top five TIOBE languages (2018-12-07)
25x performance boost in two hours (2018-11-22)
Pipenv and relocatable virtual environments (2018-11-04)
A VPN issue with MTU (2018-11-02)
On the use of she as a generic pronoun (2017-10-21)
A journey of purely static linking (2017-10-02)
Another Microsoft Unicode I/O problem (2017-09-29)
C/C++ performance, mmap, and string_view (2017-09-14)
Annoying Vim behaviour on Ubuntu 16.04 (2017-02-18)
Performance of my line readers (2016-11-12)
Upgrading to Boost 1.61 in MacPorts (2016-08-18)
Python yield and C++ coroutines (2016-08-16)
A small experiment of system scripting in Python (2016-07-24)
Choosing a multi-precision library for C++—a critique (2016-06-04)
MSVCRT.DLL console I/O bug (2016-05-27)
Generic lambdas and the compose function (2015-01-03)
Type deduction and my reference mistakes (2014-12-29)
Installing Clang 3.5 for Windows (2014-12-24)
A complaint of ODF’s Asian language support (2014-12-18)
Y combinator and C++ (2014-12-14)
Study notes: functional programming with C++ (2014-12-7)
Specify LANG in a UTF-8 web page! (2006-3-28)
Vim 实用技术:技巧,插件,定制 (Practical Vim); PDF version available (2006-3-22)
Design and implementation of a static memory pool (2005-1-11)
A cross-platform memory leak detector (2004-11-28)
Stdcall and DLL tools of MSVC and MinGW (2002-8-20)
Issues about time routines on Win32 and *NIX (2002-2-26)
A fast string implementation for STL map (2002-2-24)
MSVC and MinGW DLL interlinking FAQ (2001-12-21)
Multibyte functions in Microsoft C run-time (2001-12-16)
ASP 应用程序开发规范 (Active Server Pages programming guide) (2001-8-12)
国内知名人工智能和大模型算法专家,前百度资深算法工程师,多年搜索、大数据工作经验,专注于自然语言处理与人工智能方向,曾获CCKS中文知识图谱大赛第一名,就职期间输出数十篇专利。 现某头部互联网公司AIGC负责人,带领团队发布并落地行业垂类模型,并通过网信办备案。在多模态内容理解、角色对话、视频生成等多个方向有场景落地,有大量一线实操经验,AIGC业务单日服务用户超百万,并达成盈利。 对市面上大部分大模型基座有比较深入的理解,能判断模型的能力边界。擅长结合行业垂类的实际情况,挖掘大模型可真实赋能的业务场景,并从团队组织、资源分配等完善落地路径。
国内知名的人工智能和大模型算法专家 前亚马逊(世界500强):应用科学家; 前康卡斯特(世界500强):算法专家; 前阿里巴巴集团(世界500强)多部门算法负责人,2019年获评阿里巴巴集团年度“明日之星”员工;