研发学院 Python 编程







Python Overview

- Python in one slide

- Python Implementations

- The good in Python

- The bad in Python

- Python Performance

- Pythonic

- Python IDEs


IPython (Notebook) Introduction

- What’s new in IPython

- auto completion

- help and interuption

- run external file

- run script in clipboard

- hotkey

- magic command

- matlotlib integration

- variable operations

- command logging

- shell operations and python integration

- notebook feature


First Python

- First Python script example

- Code line formatting

- Comments and Documentation

- Keywords overview

- Operations overview,

- Conditions, Loops, Functions, import examples

(Cover keywords: True, False, return, continue, for, def, import, pass, if, elif)



- Operation overview

- is and ==

- Some differences with C/C++

- Variable initialization

- Swap

(Cover keywords: is, None)



- Condition overview

- Nature of “and” and “or”

- Assert

 (Cover keywords: if, else, is, not, assert, and, or, build-in functions: isinstance)



- Loop overview

- Lazy loop

- enumerate()

- else statement

- loop best practice

 (Cover keywords: for, while, continue, break, in, else, yield. build-in functions: enumerate)



- String encoding and Unicode

- String slicing

- String combination

- String formatting

- Large String operation

- str() and repr()


Native datatypes

- Overview

- Operations

- Tuple

- List

- range, xrange

- Dict

- View Object

- Immutable vs. mutable

- sort vs. sorted

- list comprehension

- copy and deepcopy

- selct suitable data structure

(Cover keywords: delete, build-in functions: id, list, dict, set, tuple, map)



- namedtuple

- OrderedDict

- defaultdict



- Something differences with C/C++

- Optional and Named Arguments

- Pass value or by reference

- Type check

- Default argument trap

- Lambda

(Cover keywords: lambda)


Module and Package

- Module file structure

- From import

- Absolute import

- Import mechanism

(Cover keywords: import)


Naming lookup

- Difference between Python and C/C++

- Local namespace

- Global namespace

- eval()

- Nested namespace

- Build-in namespace

(Cover keywords: global, nonlocal)



- Handling Exceptions

- Try-except-else-finally

- finally trap

- Using sys.modules

- With statement

(Cover keywords: try, except, else, finally, raise, with, as)


Objects and OO

- Importing using From Import

- Defining classes

- Instantiating Classes

- Garbage Collection

- Object Reference with getattr

- Special Class Methods: get and set items

- Advanced Class Methods

- Class Attributes

- Private Functions


Advanced topics above class levels

- Everything is object

- Build-in objects

- About __init__()

- Self

- Subclassing build-in types

- Accessing Methods from Superclasses

- Python MRO

- Descriptors and Properties

- Slots

- Python object protocols

- Metaclass

- Override Operator


Core Python Mechanism I

- Iterator inside

- Write a iterator via class

- Generator != Function

- Generator = iterator?

- Generator Inside

- Context manager


Core Python Mechanism II

- Function decorator

- Decorator implementation

- Multiple decorators

- Parameterized decorator

- Decorator mechanism



1.     字符串与类变化

2.     遍历器解包与变参调用

3.     变量与函数标注

4.     异常链

5.     生成器委托


Regular Expression (Optional)

- Regular expression syntax in Python

- Advanced Knowledge

- Methods and libraries

- Examples and Practices


Unit Test Framework [Optional]

- doc test

- unittest

- nose

- pytest

- behave

- robot framework

- others framework
